

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Learn to Drive...

I was browsing through Winnipeg Free Press’s website (, and I came across this picture:

Maybe I’m a little cold hearted, but I found this picture to be hilarious. Seeming how I recently wound up having two accidents in 12 hours; I found comfort in this picture knowing at least I’m better off than someone.

A brief summary of my accidents… Some crazy guy sideswiped my truck as he for some reason decided that my truck didn’t exist. Luckily there was barely any damage.

The second one, I was headed to college early in the morning and the little hamster inside my head decided to take a snooze. More or less, I drove into the back of a mini-van stopped at a red light. Genius!
So one was my fault, the other wasn’t, but the fact that two accidents happened within 12Hrs is a little stressful. It also sucks that my truck’s bumper grinds against my tire when I make right turns.

But…back to the picture. I am guessing that the old lady in the picture is the proud driver behind this beautiful parking job at wonderful Wal-Mart. So, I decided to make a few comments based on what I saw in the picture:

-PROOF that drivers should get re-tested after 65.
-She’s hopping in to pull the van up a smidge more.
-Ford? Found-on-rock-dead?
-Wal-Mart’s parking lot was full so she decided to take the rockier path.
-Who says old timers don’t go off-roading?
-She was just heading to Wal-Mart to pick up some new All-Terrain tires.
-“Wait a second…this isn’t handicapped parking."

-Even elders from the country enjoy a good off-roading session.
Ah, I’m just joking around, but unfortunately the driver of this Ford mini-van slammed into the rock and got tipped over in The Outhouse.


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